
A former federal prosecutor with over 40 years of experience and a proven track record of success.

Contact Us

Direct and Immediate Contact:
Text or Call Steven Gruel at 415-533-6973

San Francisco Office

Serving Northern California

315 Montgomery Street, 10th Floor

San Francisco, California 94104 (map)

Text or Call Steven Gruel at 415-533-6973

Los Angeles Office

Serving Southern California

555 West Fifth, 31st Floor

Los Angeles, California 90013

Text or Call Steven Gruel at 415-533-6973

Sacramento Office

Serving All Surrounding Counties

1024 Iron Point Road

Folsom, California 95630

Text or Call Steven Gruel at 415-533-6973

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Contact Page

If you have been arrested, charged or even think you may be charged with any serious crime, I can help. I am always happy to discuss your case with you so that we can help you decide what your next step will be.

Please feel free to call today 415-533-6973 with questions or to set up an appointment. Our San Francisco office is conveniently located in the heart of San Francisco's Financial District near Montgomery and California Streets.

If you prefer to contact us by e-mail, please feel free to complete the following form:

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